Text description provided by the architects. This home is one of four parcels of land in the Black Ridge Vineyard Estates.
The client was a professional motorcycle rider who was looking to create a one of a kind home for him.
The home was designed and built around two main components; the views, and movement, similar to a track with the curved circulation paths and roofs.
The exterior windows capture the amazing surrounding mountain views, while allowing natural light in the winter and minimizing the direct sun in the summer months.
Named after our clients racing number, this home serves as a showpiece to his motorcycle career and is personalized with one of his recent race bikes being featured in his entry way.
Cite: "41 House / Fuse Architecture" 28 Jun 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 17 Jan 2025. <https://www.archdaily.com/145790/41-house-fuse-architecture> ISSN 0719-8884
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